Medical Forms

The Goal of Aestetic Dentistry
  • Meet the patients aestetic desires.
  • Use the most conservative treatment possible to meet those goals.
  • Enhance the patients oral health in the process of treatment.
  • Educate the patient in how to preserve their dentition for a lifetime.



Biological Dentistry:

Biological Dentistry aims to be as non toxic and as non invasive to your body as possible.

This involves proper replacement of your mercury amalgam fillings and other fillings with biocompatible replacement materials.

Typically, you will receive a biocompatibility test to help determine the replacement materials that are least reactive and offensive to your immune system. Also any identifiable sources of dental infection will be treated.

Additionally, any biologically incompatible crowns you have will be replaced with compatible ones. You will further be guided to undergo the best available measures to treat and possibly reverse any periodontal disease that may be present. Consideration to the final occlusion is also of primary importance.

Metabolic Typing Nutrition Analysis:

Metabolic typing is a systematic, testable, repeatable, and verifiable methodology based on research and extensive clinical experience over the last 25 years .

After identifying the correct dominance system and Metabolic Type, dietary modification are recommended to optimize blood pH and balance the individual’s metabolism, thereby improving energy levels, stabilizing weight, and helping the body become more resistant to disease and enhance natural detoxification.

Please click here for a copy of the 'Metabolic Typing Brochure'

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT):

EFT is a form of 'psychological acupressure', which relieves symptoms by tapping on various body locations. This tapping is presumed to balance energy meridians that become disrupted when we think about or experience an emotionally disturbing circumstance. Once balanced, the upset is usually resolved - the memory stays but the emotional charge is gone. Typically the result is lasting and is also accompanied by positive changes in thinking.

EFT has been successfully applied to treat emotional problems and issues including: anxiety, fears, phobias, anger, guilt, etc. This is applied to enhance and improve the patients dental experience thus avoiding the need for sedatives.

EFT is used in the office to:

  • Remove Negative Emotions, fears of dental treatment
  • Reduce food cravings, smoking
  • Implement positive goals


Porcelain veneers, which are a more permanent way to restore your teeth, will provide dramatic changes by closing gaps, repairing chipped or worn teeth and covering discolorations. Porcelain veneers can also correct your bite, often relieving TMJ discomfort, and making crowded teeth appear straight ("instant orthodontics"). This procedure requires only two visits.

Bonded Fillings:

The procedure will help restore teeth by filling in cracks, chips and worn teeth. This process, in which enamel-like material is applied to the tooth's surface and hardened with a light, can usually be accomplished in a single visit.

Metal Free Fillings:

Silver fillings date back to the days of the Civil War. These fillings can act like metal wedges and put internal pressure on the tooth, contributing to cracks and breakage. So what can you do?

Tooth coloured fillings work well on smaller cavities. Porcelain inserts are innovative pieces of porcelain that replace the area where the old fillings are, thus saving tooth structure. Bonded restorations will strengthen your tooth to 90% of its original strength.

What if I don't care about cosmetics or the way my teeth look? The exciting thing about bonded restorations is that they will strengthen your teeth back to 90% of their original strength. It is just an added bonus that your teeth will look natural and beautiful.

Gum Contouring:

"Gummy Smiles" are a very common problem, caused by overgrowth of the gum tissue that then covers the teeth. This unsightly occurrence can be caused by a variety of things, including heredity, health conditions, and even the use of many common high blood pressure medications. A gummy smile will dominate the mouth, making the teeth seem almost secondary in appearance.

We use a laser to change the look and shape of the gums. The laser actually vaporizes unnecessary and unsightly tissue, leaving healthy, normal looking gums in place. The laser is unmatched in its accuracy and effectiveness. The process takes on a few minutes for most, and there is usually very little discomfort.

Alternative To Crowns:

Tooth Saving Porcelain Inserts and Bridges
Have you ever had a piece of your tooth break and then have the rest of the tooth ground down in order to place a crown? That may no longer be necessary. With minimal tooth reduction, we can restore broken and cracked teeth with innovative porcelain inserts to make your tooth almost new. The same technology can be used to replace missing teeth.